What a DEXA scan can tell you about your bone health and longevity

As we age, the health of our bones often takes a backseat in our minds. Unlike muscles that visibly lose strength or skin that shows signs of aging, our bones quietly undergo changes that can have profound impacts on our well-being. Bone loss can progress unnoticed, as we don’t have X-ray vision to see the […]

Strengthen your body, protect your gut: how exercise can protect against bowel cancer

aged man running

Bowel cancer is Australia’s second deadliest cancer. Nearly 300 new cases are diagnosed every week, and over 5,000 people lose their life to bowel cancer each year. Despite its high mortality rate, bowel cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers when detected in its earlier stages. It is estimated between one third […]

Preventative Health: An Evidence-Based Approach

Preventative health is an approach to healthcare that emphasises the importance of taking steps to maintain good health and prevent illness before it occurs. The World Health Organisation defines “health” as having complete physical, mental and spiritual well-being (WHO, 1978). This definition has been corroborated with years of evidence-based research in the clinical and wider […]

Moving towards a chronic disease-free future. 

We have all heard that heart disease, diabetes, obesity, mental health and cancer are all major issues facing our community. These diseases place enormous pressure on our healthcare system as well as on individuals themselves. Working face-to-face with people from all walks of life has highlighted to me that exercise and better lifestyle choices play […]

Melanoma March in Manly

A fantastic awareness and fundraising initiative by Melanoma Institute Australia. This past Sunday, the 19th of March, our team had the privilege to attend the Manly Beach Melanoma March. This was one of several such events being hosted this month by the Melanoma Institute of Australia (MIA). Our team, six humans and one dog, enjoyed […]

Exploring the Science of Intermittent Fasting

For those looking to lose weight, intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss strategy, but is it really as effective as it the claims to be? Intermittent fasting is a specific strategy to reduce energy intake through fasting which can be achieved through numerous patterns of dietary restriction. Popular forms of IF include alternate day […]